Saturday, December 15, 2012

Bubble wrap window insulation


I was looking for different ways to insulate old windows and ran across using bubble wrap. Great idea! The bubbles make natural insulating pockets, it still lets in lots of light, and the application is super simple. Also, the window I wanted to use it on has very high visibility from the street thru pretty much our entire downstairs, and using the bubble wrap also took care of that problem quite handily!

First, find some bubble wrap. I scavenged mine from packaging at work, but I'm sure I could have gotten plenty by asking on as well. Big sheets of small bubbles would be the best choice, but smaller pieces can be set together without being very obvious. Smaller bubbles will insulate better, and also stick better.

Cut the bubble wrap to the size of your window glass. I marked the corners with a sharpie and followed the bubbles across with scissors. Easy.

Wash your bubble wrap after you cut it to size if it needs it. No sense in putting dirty things on clean windows!

Wet the bubble wrap, particularly the bubble side, and just lay it onto the window glass, bubble side to the glass, matching up your corners. It will stay there just fine, and when it dries, is stuck fast pretty well. If you have trouble, a piece of tape or two on the corners will prevent the bubble wrap from coming loose.

That's it, you're done!

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